About Me

My photo
Welcome! I am a wife and crafter with a love for things hand made... I am in LOVE with my husband. I enjoy a good cup of tea, magazines, anything that has to do with the outdoors, and cooking organic. The number one thing in my life is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior- without him nothing would be possible, and I am eternally grateful for his mercy, love and the gift of everlasting life. I'm artsy- I do photography and have my own line of unique accessories for girls and women. I made this blog to share with you Stella Arbor Boutique- Enjoy! Visit my Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/people/StellaArborBoutique?ref=si_pr

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Spring Colors!

 Spring is around the corner! Here are some new spring Kanzashi colors to kick it all off... Enjoy!

MMMM Yellow
price .5.

Lime Green Swirl
price .5.

Tiffany Blue 
price .5.

Rich Purple
price .5.

Gorgeous Turquoise
price .7.

Happy Spring!

The End.