I absolutely LOVE tea...
A good cup of tea is just about the only thing needed to get me into an amazing mood, so I thought- "Why not make my favorite cup of tea into an amazingly comforting bar of soap?"
Enjoy the fruits of my labor:
Just finished mixing all ingredients, and poured into wooden curing boxes...
Looks amazing right? It WAS... the house smelled heavenly at this stage. I couldn't help but sprinkle some earl grey tea flakes on top...
24 hours later it's ready to be cut! Super fresh and refreshing!
Soap is so much fun to make! Handmade soap is also SO much healthier for you than the store bought- chemical loaded- preservative infused stuff...
Stella Arbor's soaps are always 100% vegan and animal friendly- without any chemicals or preservatives!
They also smell AMAZING :)
Remember- to purchase any of these you can either go to my Etsy shop:
or write me at:
Thanks for looking!